Contact Pollards Forestry & Landscaping Contractors
Looking to add a new patio to your home? Look no further as Pollards Forestry & Landscaping Contractors based in Keighley offer affordable and top-quality services on all patios and much more.
You can rely on the expertise provided by our specialists if you are looking to add a patio to your home or if you need crown thinning services. Give us a call today for your free quote and get professional help.
Pollards Forestry & Landscaping Contractors are based in Keighley but cover areas including Leeds, Wetherby, Harrogate and Colne. For further afield please contact us today to find out more of the areas that we can cover.

Our address
Pollards Forestry & Landscaping Contractors
3 Cricketers Walk,
BD20 6QH.
Tel: 01535 656 322
Mobile: 07831 307 097 or 07795 418 627